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On-line notifications

I was asking my team why they use Skype more than Clarizen social and it came up that they can easily/quickly see who is on-line with Skype whereas they are unsure who is paying attention to the Clarizen social. Perhaps, on the discussion board, where the group members are, you could mark those group members online with a graphic next to their name real big. 

We know that you can look at the chat as a drop down but it is tiny and up in the corner, not very 'friendly'. I would still like to see a stand alone app for social too, even if it is just an update of the mobile app to V6. I want to use it more but the other options are so quickly/already there. 

I still hate having to log into my browser. I even leave it up now, but it says I timed out and when I go to log in via that time out prompt it just moves me back to the standard log in screen. Whereas, Skype is always there and on. Perhaps, we just need to uninstall Skype...Oh and I think I mentioned this before, but Office 365 pings me even when the window is not active if I received a new message so that made it easier to move to using because there was audio feedback. If I received audio feedback when there was a post on Clarizen Social so I didn't miss it, that would be great! 

Thanks for listening.

Jesse Niziol Not planned

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All great feedback. The new mobile app is coming later this year and social will be a BIG part of it. I have also added a feature request to open up the session timeout setting to let users be logged in for Days. The request for a sound is already in there and the ability to see which people are online without having to go to chat is fantastic (also added that in)!

Josh Santos 0 votes
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