Official comment
Thank you for submitting this feature request. For future reference the request ID is CR-206458.
Currently when I setup a view we can choose to enable or disable the Team Panel.
Unfortunatly, if we choose to enable the Team Panel, we cannot set what will be the default team panel setting.
Why is this a problem?
Let's say I want to build a specific view if tasks to be used by a specific group of people, e.g. "Alfa Team Active Tasks".
I want that when a user chooses the "Alfa Team Active Tasks" view, the default Team Panel Settings will be "Alfa Group" > Everyone.
Currently it is not possible and it is the responsibility of the user to set the correct team panel settings each time he/she selects the view.
So, my idea is to include the default team panel settings as part of the view settings. e.g. see attached file.
Thank you for submitting this feature request. For future reference the request ID is CR-206458.
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Thank you for posting this in the Clarizen Forum. This is indeed a great suggestion. I will add the Feature Request for you.
Boris Krutiy
I would be very grateful if the ability to save a Team Panel Filter as part of a view were added in a future release, any plans for this?