Thanks Jim, our VP of Product is already in the loop and we are seeing how we can deliver this as quickly as possible.
Allow Project Managers to approve specific entries for their projects. Here is my email to Ariel that captures the need:
Right now - approving selected time sheets is a user preference in the UI. This should be a system setting (not a preference)
This is actually a major flaw that causes incorrect invoicing and revenue for reporting for an org in which Project Managers manage time for their projects and resources. Just this month –We just ran into dozens of examples where a project manager believed they were approving a specific time entry, but Clarizen approves ALL timesheets/billings for the specific resources across ALL projects. We now have to run separate reconciliations on a project by project basis to ensure that incorrect hours were not approved. *
This design might be suitable for the Clarizen model in which a direct manager approves time for his direct reports, but for billable hourly services, there is no good scenario where a project manager would just approve all time for a project or resource. This should be a global setting.
For now - We’ll send an announcement to all approvers that they need to have this setting in place or it will jeopardize our billings. Oversight and approvals is a requirement from our internal and external auditors when we went public (we failed and were flagged for it). This is fundamental stuff for OpenAir and Quickarrow.
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Thanks Jim, our VP of Product is already in the loop and we are seeing how we can deliver this as quickly as possible.
Is there an update on this? We are in the same boat, being a consulting company.
The request has been submitted but there is no ETA at this time. I will update this post as soon as we have one.
Any update? Need this as well.
@gayla - the feature request ID is CR-214258. we have added you to this request and will update you once we know anything more.