I can certainly escalate this feature request but could you first tell me why you cannot use User Groups for Providers/Suppliers?
Boris Krutiy
Not all companies have the same structure or function. In the research space keeping tracking of service providers can be similar to keeping track of customers for other companies. Could a new module, similar to the customers module, be added to manage providers?
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I can certainly escalate this feature request but could you first tell me why you cannot use User Groups for Providers/Suppliers?
Boris Krutiy
Thanks Boris - I am still learning all the features of Clarizen. I will look into user groups. However unlike the customers module at first glance it seems I cannot record contact person, business address etc - everything seems more set up for internal users rather than outside the business
This is true. You could technically create custom fields at the User Group item type to reflect your needs if you have enterprise (limited custom fields if Professional).
I will submit the request for you.
Boris Krutiy
Another thought, what if you use a custom field similar to Item Type? You will notice that if you show the Item Type column, all show as Customer and is locked (not configurable).
What you could do is create a custom field with another name (i.e. Company Type or Customer Type). You would configure it as a Picklist and add Customer, Service Provider and Suppliers, as well as any others, to the picklist. Then you can show this column when viewing Customers in the Customer module and you can see what type the customer is. This column can be viewed and filtered on.
Let us know if this works for you.
Boris Krutiy
Thanks for your suggestions. I do only have the professional version. This is a doable work around. I hope a service providers/suppliers module may be added to a future release!
I will submit this as a feature request.
Boris Krutiy