This is a Change request. I will change the section of this post and create the request.
Hi. I am using MS-Outlook and have downloaded the icalendar from the clarizen website. Currently it shows all projects and tasks that are active. I would like it to also show projects and tasks in a draft state. Reason for requiring this: The resources then will see what is planned for them. We only make a project active once we have scheduled the work with a client
On a separate question. When a task is marked as completed then the tasks disappears from the icalendar. I would like to also be able to view completed task in the icalendar. Reason for requiring this: We are able to see at a glance without having to go into clarizen items that are completed/
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This is a Change request. I will change the section of this post and create the request.
Your change request was logged. ID: CR-247458.
Thanks for the feedback. Is there a work around in the mean time? When do you think the change request will be implemented?
Currently there is no easy workaround or ETA for release but I will update you once I can.