Thanks, Tori! Your product idea has been logged as ER-25.
Add functionality to expand / collapse all lines in a work plan. Currently, this button only expands/collapses one level based on what is selected.
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Thanks, Tori! Your product idea has been logged as ER-25.
This was requested 2 years ago. This is something that is needed badly. I would like a expand all especially when developing views and using views I have created that shows what is left to do in the next 3 weeks. I have to constantly go back and expand everything which takes an extra five minutes....for each project.
This request is long overdue to be completed. Hopefully, I just don't know where it is but if not available please help us move it forward as a feature.
We have very large work plans and need this expand/collapse all functionality.
I also have a high demand for this feature. It is unmanageable to keep clicking expand when the task is several layers deep. Long overdue.
Please add our organization to this enhancement request.
Desperate for this feature - can you provide update on when it might be planned for release?
There is no specific ETA on this request yet.
@Josh Santos - According to this thread, this idea was logged at ER-25 eight years ago. Has any progress been made on this feature?