Hi Michael,
Is there a certain module that you are looking at or is it in general? I am asking because I do know that we have a design bug in our reports module.
Every time I add a column to an existing layout, I have to re-size every column on the page to account for the column being added (since the added column is always smooshed). If CLZ would account for this, I wouldnt' have to resize my existing 14 columns, every time I need to add a field to my view (generally the field being added is temporary, and for a given task)
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Hi Michael,
Is there a certain module that you are looking at or is it in general? I am asking because I do know that we have a design bug in our reports module.
I agree adding/removing columns is not working very well. It's as if some hidden rules are in play.
I'd suggest adding/removing columns would do this:
Add column -> Make sure total column width is the same as before (i.e. no scroll bar before, no scroll bar after - 20% scroll before, 20% scroll after) and take some px for the new column (e.g. 20) and distribute the other columns for remaining space - keeping their previous width relationship.
Remove column -> The same with total width and the redistribute the columns keeping their previous width relationship
@Peter please upvote!
This is a major pain! There is no way to select all the columns an resize with the click of a mouse like you can do in Excel!