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provide a way to export an entire portfolio in one file formatted for MSProject

Currently, when exporting a Clarizen portfolio's work items for MSProject, selecting one portfolio  results in as many output files as there are sub-projects under the portfolio. This requires loading each individual file into MSProject which is a time consuming process.

A significant time savings is available if selecting one portfolio resulted in one .XLM output file. importing only one file into MSProject would be very beneficial.


I believe Vanessa has also submitted this suggestion as CR-220063.

Thanks! Bruce


PS: entering this request into a dialogue box that requires scrolling left and right is also inefficient. Could this entry box be enlarged to eliminate the right / left scroll bar?



bruce sanderson Not planned

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Hi Bruce,

Thank you for your suggestion and for helping improve the Clarizen experience. Vanessa already logged your request and we will keep you posted once we have more specifics about ETA.

As for the dialogue box, yes - a very valid point indeed. This is already on our feature roadmap to enlarge the box to eliminate the right/left scroll bar and we will also let you know once we hear any updates.

Thank you!


Diana Sandura 0 votes
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