Thank you for posting this request. Your change request was logged. ID: CR-238961.
add ability to attach files to emails composed inside Clarizen
add ability to add hyperlinks inside emails composed inside Clarizen
add ability to embed pictures into emails composed inside Clarizen
For emails that get generated by Outlook but recorded in Clarizen, currently any attachments get uploaded to the file management but there is no reference it was ever in the email; it would be great to somehow reference that file in the email header
Same as #4 but with embedded images, Clarizen shows a broken link to the image, it would be nice to state what image went there
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Thank you for posting this request. Your change request was logged. ID: CR-238961.
Your request is very old (I have requested it a long time ago), but maybe more will start happening soon
I am interested in this functionality as well; Boris what is the latest?
Discussions currently support all of the items mentioned above, but the problem is that Discussions can only reference people that are setup as users in the system (even if they are just email-only users). So the plan is actually to enhance Discussions so that they can handle all of the email user cases as well, and eventually merge the two objects together to simplify the system while enhancing functionality at the same time.
I like that idea.
Josh, what's the time frame for this? The missing ability to send mails with attachments from within Clarizen is a big problem to us and there seems to have been absolutely no movement on this request.
No official ETA yet
I'd like an update here
Still no ETA for this request as of today (Jul-13 2015)