Thank you for submitting these request. Your change request was logged. ID: CR-241266.
Allow setting customer at the task level as opposed to the project level so that the customer billing report can show individual tasks that are for a specific customer where a whole project may not be, or may be for multiple customers
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Thank you for submitting these request. Your change request was logged. ID: CR-241266.
I have discussed this with our Product Team. This will not require a Change Request. You can create a custom field that is created at the Work Item Item type level and the field type would be a reference to object (Customer).
For further clarification, we suggest you register for one of our Advanced Q&A webinars (see the link-> http://www.clarizen.com/resources/online-demo.html#second ).These are great resources for free consulting with our Customer Success Managers and visual answers to your questions.
Further details...
The use case here is that your billing report shows the Customer. As it's a canned report which is not configurable going with the work item level field it will not actually address your issue. The best practice, unless you can create their own reports with Excel Addin, has to be to limit each project to a single customer, so there should be a validation rule running on customer project link to prevent multiple customers!