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I'm trying to map the field "Duration" to SFDC in my mappings, but Durations is not an available field. See screenshot
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Is anyone able to help?
Thank you for contacting us. I am afraid that this post got missed accidentally. I am looking into it now. It looks like you are correct Duration is not an available sync field. I am looking into how to best accomplish this and will update you.
Unfortunately, duration is not a field that can be mapped from Clarizen to SFDC. The reason for this is that Salesforce does not understand the data. when creating and mapping fields in SFDC, there are certain data types (i.e. text, numeric, etc.) and the same goes for Clarizen. This is where the mismatch occurs.
There is no field type in SFDC that understands the duration type from Clarizen which shows as 5d or 1w, etc. SFDC does not have a type to properly match this and in order to come close to make this work is to create a text field that would pass this data to SFDC and allow them to sync, but even then...this would be a one-direction sync (from Clarizen to SFDC).
Hi Boris,
Thanks for the tip. If I create a text field and copy the value, then I may have some projects with a text copy of duration in days, others in weeks, and so on. Is there a way to normalize the duration field in Clairizen so that it's always shown in days so that when I copy the duration field to a text field, it's always showing days?
Boris, one more question. I created a Text field in Clarizen, and when I go to the Integration setup in SFDC, I can see the custom field (Duration String) in the mapping page. However, there is no corresponding field in SFDC on the Clarizen Project object to map this to. How do I create a new field on the Clarizen Project object in SFDC in order to map this field?
Hi Farhan,
There isn't a way to "normalize" the duration field per say. You would need to create a separate custom field that copies the numeric value as you have already figured out.
Regarding your second question, this is something that your salesforce administrator would need to do. If you have permissions, then you would go to Salesforce "Setup">Create>Objects>Clarizen Project>'New' (under Custom Fields & Relationships). Once you create this field in Salesforce, it should appear in the Integration Setup.
Thanks for all your help. I was able to get what I needed in SFDC with this info.