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BR for checking on multi select

I have a business rule where I want to check whether there is a a specific value in a custom field of the type "Multi-Select Pick List".

I have tried:

$Project.C_CustomSettings = 'Customer Estimate available in views': Fails with more than one value selected

In($Project.C_CustomSettings,"Customer Estimate available in views") : is not returned as TRUE

IsPickVal($Project.C_CustomSettings,"Customer Estimate available in views"): "Error: Argument 'picklistField' to function IsPickVal() must be pickup"

Contains($Project.C_CustomSettings,"Customer Estimate available in views"): "Error: Argument 'text' to function Contains() must be of String type"

-> What do I need to do to test is a value in the multi select is set?

Peter Fjelsten Answered

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Hi Peter,

I don't have an answer in terms of Customization, but I'm happy to follow up with Customization experts to see what we can do for you.

Firstly, I'm wondering if you can just pull the multi-select field into a view (such as a projects view) to see if a specific value is being used? This is however limited when selecting multiple values, it uses the OR logic not AND, but it might provide an answer to your reason for testing?

Could you please clarify, are you trying to see if a multi-select field value has more than 1 value selected using customization?

Permanently deleted user 0 votes
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Hi Peter,


Please use the following syntax: Contains(ToString($Project.C_CustomSettings),"Customer Estimate available in views")

Good luck!



Tamir Avital 0 votes
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Hi Tamir, I will try this.


Can it really be that these are stings? Should there not be some "value" to each so I can rename the "front end label" at will?

Peter Fjelsten 0 votes
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