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I would like to action workflows on an hourly basis

Currently I can only to a datediff() for an daily interval. I would like to create a workflow that checks to see if a priority 1 incident (serious one) has been raised, and is not in progress after 2 hours. Is there anyway to trigger workflows for periods less than 1 day?

(DateDiff(Today(),$C_Escalationstartdate,"d") >1)

I would like for example to have the above be instead (using the "h" which is not currently possible

(DateDiff(Today(),$C_Escalationstartdate,"h") >2)

chad williams Answered

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Hi Chad!

This sounds like more of a customization topic. In the future, please post  here so that you get the best and quickest respond from our Customization experts. Plus your customization question can be searched by other users in our Community! I've gone ahead and done this for you. You should get a response soon.

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I was just using the wrong function - to calculate the time difference between when the incident/issue was raised, I use the Now() function instead, and use DateSubtract: 

DateSubtract(Now(),$CreatedOn,TRUE) will give me the duration in hours.

The tricky bit now is to figure out how to check every hour (or couple of hours) as the scheduled workflow only runs once a day. The alternative is to created multiple schedule workflows that start at different times of the day, but that's not a great solution - right?

Any suggestions to check every hour if there is an issue that now needs to be escalated?


chad williams 0 votes
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