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Custom Actions - Array of Tasks


Use Case:


I have created a Custom Action (CA) called Create Estimation – That allows me to create Tasks that are children of **Requests. **These tasks will be areas of the Request that need actioning:


  • Development
  • QA
  • UAT
  • Etc


You could have lots of them and they will be related to the Request. This bit is fine and working.


Now these requests will go through some approval steps (I Have created another CA Approve **under REQUESTS). At the end of the Approval steps there is a possibility that the Request could become a **Project depending on some of the **

“What I want to do is…..”

**If a Request is to become a Project, I want to copy all related tasks from the Request and copy them under the newly created  Project .How within Custom Actions can I create an **Array **of multiple tasks that are children of the Request im running the Custom Action for? Or do i need to create a Workflow against the Tasks themselves?


Gareth Bradley Answered

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Hi Gareth,

In the CA:

  1. New Item: Parent.

  2. Run On: Work items.

  3. Parent: Project just created (e.g. NewObject1)

  4. Child: TargetObject


Please let me know if it makes sense.




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