Anyone? :)
Use Case:
We have an Organisationl level CA for our users to complete Requests for our Change Request process. This Custom Action acts like a form (see attachment - Figure 1). In this form we have a Customer field which is a Reference to an Object (Customer) in the CA. At the moment this is just a pick list for one customer (see attachement - Figure 2).
When created this is, the CA creates a Case Customer Link based on the customer entered.
A user has requested this Customer field in the custom form CA is a multi-select (like when you are in a Request itself). Unfortunately though the Reference to an Object in Organisation only points to Customer and not Customer Case Link. Any way around this?
Figure 3 in the attachment shows the logic for the form.
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Anyone? :)
Great question. This is typically a mistake in the Item Type of the Customer Action/Custom Field. Since you have the Custom field configured as a reference to an object to the Customer, where do you have it created? What you need is a Customer Case Link.
For further assistance, I will repost to the Customization section of the forum. Also, the attached Word doc is not opening. It is giving me an error that the convert failed. Will you please attach it again?
Thank you
Hey Boris,
This is created at the Organisation level. Reattached the docx.
I have not forgotten about you. I am waiting on feedback from our Product team on this.
I received some feedback...
Turns out you can't have multiple objects selected in a CA. The only thing you can do is have couple of reference to object variables in the CA. You cannot select multiple objects in a form. You can only have multi-selections with a multipick list field type.
Thanks Boris. Any chance that will be updated in a future release? I ask because there is a inconsistency. The user uses the CA to log the request with one customer, and then someone has to go into the logged (Enchanced)Request to add the other customers, adding more steps into the process.
Thanks Boris. Any chance that will be updated in a future release? I ask because there is a inconsistency. The user uses the CA to log the request with one customer, and then someone has to go into the logged (Enchanced)Request to add the other customers, adding more steps into the process.
I definitely see value in this Use Case. I will submit this as a Change Request.
Your change request was logged. ID: CR-244458.
Using the Customer "Reference to Object" as a Multi-Select
Product Management
Thanks Boris - How am i able to see the progress of CR-244458 - do you have logins for us to view your Clarizen setup as an external user?
Unfortunately, we do not currently have an easy way to share this information other than providing updates based on your request for an update.
We are surely going to add something in the future as this is becoming a growing need by our customers.
Thanks Boris. How do i request updates on requests?
You can do so through the forum. We are also planning on upgrading our Forum to a newer release version with more capability that will allow us to better provide updates and searching for them.
Hi Clarizen,
Are there any updates on this?
I would also be very interested in a reference to multiple objects field capability (without having to populate a multi-pick picklist)
No updates at this point.
Any updates, we also could use this.
Hello Jenni,
This is not currently on our roadmap.
What does it take to get something on the road map? there are lots of really quality ideas on this site that have lots of groups asking for them - how do you vet and prioritize these requests?
Was really hoping to get to the end of this thread an find that there was a solution - shame! This would be a good function to have.