Are you trying to add more options to a picklist field or are you just trying to set the value of a field to an option from the picklist?
I am working with the API and want to modify picklist values.
I am trying to add a picklist options as single entity but this does not seem to work; I get a permission error.
Should I be able to update the Picklist as a generic entity with Pickups as one of the fields, rahter than eiditing each pickup item as a generic entity?
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Are you trying to add more options to a picklist field or are you just trying to set the value of a field to an option from the picklist?
I am trying to add options to the pick list
Adding pick list values through the API is currently not supported. It can only be performed via the Customization UI.
Is there any way to import Pick List Values through the Customization UI?
I don't believe so unfortunately.
How would I go about selecting all valid picklist values out for a given picklist? (preferably using php) I dont see anything in the documentation about this...
Hi Jake.
The best way to retrieve pickup values is using DescribeEntitiesMessage. For pickup entities a PickupEntityDescription is returned, with a Pickups collection.
If you don't know the Pickup entity name, use DescribeEntitiesMessage on the source entity, and locate the EntityFieldDescription of the Pickup field in the Fields collection of the result. The ReferencedEntities array should have a single value specifying the pickup entity name.
Adding pick list values through the API is currently not supported.
Hi Clarizen team,
I want to add pick list values from our database. Does API support this functionlity now?
If not, How can I achieve this?
It is supported via the API but for one time loads it is recommended to use the Data Loader
Hi Eyal,
Database list will be always changing. So I want to update through API calls.
Which API method should I use to update pick list.
It will be great, If you could provide some sample.
Answered here: