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complex queries ((A or B) and C) etc

I would like to do a complex query with multipe conditions using And and Or.  Is this possible? I can't find any examples or documentation.

Example: (Submitted By Me or Assigned to Me) and Title contains some string

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The API allows you to nest AND and OR conditions in a tree like structure. For example, to implement the where condition you described above you will have to do something similiar to the below (Pseudo code.. don't expect it to compile):


            qry.Where = new And


                Conditions = new Condition[]


                    new Or


                        Conditions = new Condition[]


                            new Compare


                                    LeftExpression = new FieldExpression { FieldName = "Submitted" },

                                    Operator = Operator.Equal,

                                    RightExpression = ...


                            new Compare


                                    LeftExpression = new FieldExpression { FieldName = "AssignedTo" },

                                    Operator = Operator.Equal,

                                    RightExpression = ...




                    new Compare


                            LeftExpression = new FieldExpression { FieldName = "Manager" },

                            Operator = Operator.Equal,

                            RightExpression = new ConstantExpression{Value = "Some String"}




Clarizen Team 0 votes
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Just to better understand this syntax, how would you structure ((A or B) and (C or D))?

Dave Benjamin 0 votes
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Is this correct?


findCustomer.Where = new And


Conditions = new Condition[]


new Or


Conditions = new Condition[]


new Compare


LeftExpression = new FieldExpression { FieldName = "C_FirstName" },

Operator = Operator.Equal,

RightExpression = new ConstantExpression() { Value = new EntityId { TypeName = "Customer", Value = (string)FirstName.Value } }


new Compare


LeftExpression = new FieldExpression { FieldName = "C_LastName" },

Operator = Operator.Equal,

RightExpression = new ConstantExpression() { Value = new EntityId { TypeName = "Customer", Value = (string)LastName.Value } }




new Or


Conditions = new Condition[]


new Compare


LeftExpression = new FieldExpression { FieldName = "C_ContactNumber" },

Operator = Operator.Equal,

RightExpression = new ConstantExpression() { Value = new EntityId { TypeName = "Customer", Value = (string)ContactNumber.Value } }


new Compare


LeftExpression = new FieldExpression { FieldName = "C_EmailAddress" },

Operator = Operator.Equal,

RightExpression = new ConstantExpression() { Value = new EntityId { TypeName = "Customer", Value = (string)EmailAddress.Value } }






Dave Benjamin 0 votes
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Yes basically. The AndOr structure is correct.

However, the fields you used for the conditions (e.g. C_FirstName) are probably basic string fields (as opposed to Reference to Object fields), so the constant expressions on the Right expression shouldn't be of EntityId type, but plain strings (e.g.:

RightExpression = new ConstantExpression() { Value =  (string)FirstName.Value } )


Ophir Kenig 0 votes
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