Hi Stas.
The 'null' you need there is actually a field value.
It should be the the value of_ Value_ field of a ConstantExpression inside the RightExpression.
Please see the attached sample.
Hope this helps.
We have the problem while querying rows with condition “some field is NULL”. The part of the code that does not work and causes the problem below:
$conditionIssue = new stdClass();
$fld = new stdClass();
$fld->FieldName = "Parent";
$conditionIssue->LeftExpression = new SoapVar($fld, SOAP_ENC_OBJECT, 'FieldExpression', $this->soapQApiUrl);
$conditionIssue->Operator = "Equal";
$conditionIssue->RightExpression = null;
$parent_null = new SoapVar($conditionIssue, SOAP_ENC_OBJECT, 'Compare', $this->soapQApiUrl);
I wonder if you can advise how we can select entities without parent in php – as an example we need to get list of projects without parents.
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Hi Stas.
The 'null' you need there is actually a field value.
It should be the the value of_ Value_ field of a ConstantExpression inside the RightExpression.
Please see the attached sample.
Hope this helps.