Ok, I've managed to resolve this one. I should have been using a CaseCustomerLink instead of CustomerLink Entity
The method below is giving me an error as follows:
Save operation failed Reason: 'Issue' and 'Customer' cannot have a 'Project Customer Link' link between them.
I'm not understanding why Clarizen thinks the issue is a project? I'm using code that's pretty much identical to that in the Sample API project...
Any ideas?
public void LinkCustomerToIssue(Issue Issue, Customer Customer)
GenericEntity parentIssue = new GenericEntity();
parentIssue.Id = new EntityId() { TypeName = "Issue", Value = Issue.WorkflowId };
GenericEntity link = new GenericEntity();
link.Id = new EntityId() { TypeName = "CustomerLink" };
FieldValue issueField = new FieldValue() { FieldName = "Entity", Value = parentIssue.Id };
FieldValue customerField = new FieldValue() { FieldName = "Customer", Value = new EntityId() { TypeName = "Customer", Value = Customer.WorkflowId } };
link.Values = new FieldValue[] { issueField, customerField };
CreateMessage createCustomerLinkMessage = new CreateMessage() { Entity = link };
Result[] result = this._clarizen.Execute(new BaseMessage[] { createCustomerLinkMessage });
ErrorMessage = result[0].Error.Message;
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Ok, I've managed to resolve this one. I should have been using a CaseCustomerLink instead of CustomerLink Entity