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Overdue Tasks per User

I setup a Relations Summary for summing the number of Tasks for each User that are overdue. It Counts $AssignedWorkItems if ( TargetObject.DueDate < $C_TodaysDate ) && ( TargetObject.State = 'Active' ) && ( TargetObject.EntityType = 'Task' ) is True.


The challenge now is to not count items where that user has marked it Complete, but other Users (Resources) have not. We tend to have multiple Resources on a Task, and we use the Toggle to let individuals mark it Complete for themselves, but the entire item is not Completed until the last person toggles it to Complete for themselves. 


I'd like to have the item count if the user hasn't toggled their toggle, but not count if they have. Is that possible?


Thanks again for the continuing help!




Marketing Mojo IT Answered

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Hi Jeff. If I get it right, you use individual reporting, meaning each resource reports their own progress.

When individual reporting is used, the individual progress information is on the <LinkObject>, not the <TargetObject>.

I believe you can add another condition to your filter:

not (LinkObject.PercentCompleted = 100 && LinkObject.CompletnessDefinition = 0). This will filter out tasks marked as complete by that user.


Hope that helps,


Ophir Kenig 0 votes
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Thanks! That did it! Thanks again for all the insight and help. You're really helping me meet our executives' requirements.



Marketing Mojo IT 0 votes
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I'm still struggling with this a bit. Here is my current logic for finding all the Tasks a user hasn't marked complete yet.

NOT (LinkObject.PercentCompleted = 100 && LinkObject.CompletnessDefinition = 0) && LinkObject.ResourceRole = 'Resource'

&& TargetObject.EntityType = 'Task' && TargetObject.DueDate < $C_TodaysDate && TargetObject.State = 'Active'


But when I run a report in the Reports system, I choose: Task>Work Item Team Members, then filter by: <AssignedLink>.Role = Resource, <AssignedLink>.%Complete != 100, <Task>.State = Active, <Task>.DueDate 'is Before' (and I put in today manually). 


This Report shows people with less items overdue than my logic does. Can you shed some insight on what I might be missing? Thanks!



Marketing Mojo IT 0 votes
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I might have found why the count is off, but I don't understand why the result is coming out like it is. I changed my Report to use the User>Assigned>Related Work Items instead, once I realized it was there. :)  I set it to filter by the same things as before, due date less than today, role = resource, assignedlink % complete less than 100, state = active, item type = Task.

IT seems the ItemType = Task isn't working. I put that column in the Report to be sure, and I still see Projects and Milestones coming up. I can filter them in the Report itself once it runs, but the filter in the report setup seems to not be filtering out all but Tasks. Help! Thanks!



Marketing Mojo IT 0 votes
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Hi Jeff. 

It's possible the Item Type filter doesn't work. I know you can't filter by Item Type in the API.

I'd suggest you use <Assigned>.ID begins with 'T' to filter for Tasks. Let us know if that works for you.

Hope this helps,


Ophir Kenig 0 votes
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