Hi Fernando,
Just use the In operator instead of Equal. No other change is required.
Hope this helps,
I'm trying to query a multi picklist field where it contains one of the possible values of the picklist. However, if I use something like this, I get no results when there is more than one value set for a certain entity:
<Query xmlns="http://clarizen.com/api">
<queryExpression xmlns:q1="http://clarizen.com/api/queries" xsi:type="q1:EntityQuery">
<q1:Where xsi:type="q1:Compare">
<q1:LeftExpression xsi:type="q1:FieldExpression">
<q1:RightExpression xsi:type="q1:ConstantExpression">
<q1:Value xsi:type="EntityId">
<Value>Docs TR</Value>
So if my entity has in that field, let's say, "Docs TR; Audio TR", then it is not returned in the query. I see this is somehow possible as the Excel plugin allows that (I can choose "One of" and then "Docs TR" and it works). How can I build my query for this?
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Hi Fernando,
Just use the In operator instead of Equal. No other change is required.
Hope this helps,
It works, thank you very much.
Hi again,
How can this be achieved using the REST API with CZQL? I'm trying with something like:
SELECT DisplayName FROM User WHERE C_MyCustomField IN ('MyMultiPicklistValue')
However, it raises an error. I tried several combinations of the query above with no luck...
Hi Fernando,
Do you have some more information about the error? Like the error message and the Ref id?
This is the exact query I'm trying:
q: "SELECT DisplayName, C_EAUserType, C_TranslationVendorType FROM User WHERE C_EAUserType IN ('Translation Vendor')"
And this is the error I get:
"errorCode": "Internal",
"message": "An internal error has occurred, the error was logged and will be examined.",
"referenceId": "14pOGhs9USgCWDIN1HXBnd"