the session ID should be placed in a cookie:
httpReq.setHeader("Cookie", "USID=" + sessionId);
I am referring the Clarizen Rest Api Guide https://success.clarizen.com/entries/57664667-Clarizen-REST-API to make call out to Clarizen. However I became successful to send login request and received "UserId,sessionId,organizationId,serverTime,licenseType" as the response with [Status=OK, StatusCode=200] .
But I am facing the issue when I want to make a query to fetch Timesheet object fields after getting successfully Login response.
This is the exception which I am receiving during the callout
"errorCode": "LoginFailure",
"message": "Authentication cookie is missing. Did you forget to login?",
"referenceId": "hmHpu9JvvEKr~SiJGCaAVw"
This is my code which I have used to make query
String strRequest = '{typeName:"Timesheet",fields:["createdBy"]}';
httpReq.setHeader('Content-Length', String.valueOf(strRequest.length()));
httpReq.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/JSON');
httpReq.setEndpoint(' https://api2.clarizen.com/v1.0/services/data/entityQuery');
httpReq.setHeader('SESSIONID', 'USID='+sessioinId);
Http http = new Http();
HttpResponse res = http.send(httpReq);
Please help me.
I have tried by modifying the request in so many ways but same exception I am getting.
Thank you in advance
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the session ID should be placed in a cookie:
httpReq.setHeader("Cookie", "USID=" + sessionId);
Hi Eyal,
Thank you very much.It is working now. :)
Hi Eyal,
Can you please suggest where is the mistake in the Json format -
{typeName:"Timesheet",fields:["createdBy","ApprovalDate","CreatedOn","Duration","EntityType","ReportedBy","ReportedDate"],where:{ _type: "Compare",leftExpression: {fieldName: "ApprovalDate"}, operator: equal, rightExpression: {value: "2014-08-14"}}}
since I am getting the exception like -
"errorCode": "Internal",
"message": "An internal error has occurred, the error was logged and will be examined.",
"referenceId": "4A2N0rm_Wk2TKQzwhf00Xg"
That's invalid JSON. Wrap the equal in quotes: operator: "equal"
Hi Eyal,
I have found the mistake.It is working now.
Hi Eyal,
Can you please specify how to use multiple conditions in "WHERE" clause using "AND/OR" operator.
Something like this should work:
where: {
_type: “And”,
conditions: [{<.. first condition…>},{<…second condition…>}]
Hi Eyal,
This is my body
strJSON= '{typeName: "TimeSheet",'+
'fields: ["Duration","ReportedBy.DisplayName"],'+
'where:{ _type: "Compare",'+
'leftExpression: {fieldName: \'ReportedDate\'}, '+
' operator: \'Equal\','+
' rightExpression: {value: "2014-08-13"}'+
'{ _type: "Compare",'+
'leftExpression: {fieldName: \'ReportedDate\'}, '+
' operator: \'Equal\','+
' rightExpression: {value: "2014-08-14"}'+
"where": {
"_type": "Or",
"conditions": [
"leftExpression": {
"fieldName": "ReportedDate"
"operator": "Equal",
"rightExpression": {
"value": "2014-08-13"
"leftExpression": {
"fieldName": "ReportedDate"
"operator": "Equal",
"rightExpression": {
"value": "2014-08-14"
Hi Eyal,
First of all thanks for your quick response.
Can you please take a look to the Json
strJSON2 = '{typeName: "TimeSheet",'+
'fields: ["Duration","ReportedBy.DisplayName"],'+
'where:{ _type: "AND",'+
'conditions: [{leftExpression: {fieldName: \'ReportedDate\'}, '+
' operator: \'Equal\','+
' rightExpression: {value: "2014-08-13"}},{leftExpression: {fieldName: \'ReportedDate\'},operator: \'Equal\', rightExpression: {value: "2014-08-14"}}]'+
But it is giving the exception-
"errorCode": "Internal",
"message": "An internal error has occurred, the error was logged and will be examined.",
"referenceId": "z1DFpD4ojE6oHy8tixOMEg"
please send the json "as is" (final output) so I won't have to re-build it.
Hi Eyal,
Thanks a ton!!!
It is working which you have just sent.
Also, try to use "And" (Note the case) and see if this works.
Hi Eyal,
Yes , I ave used "AND" , and it is working.
Hi Eyal,
First of all thanks a lot.What you suggest I have done and got successful to make query and fetch the appropriate data from Clarizen.
I need one more suggestion.
I have got the list of data as the response of query which present in "1st page" with the page size "100".
"paging": {
"pageNumber": 1,
"pageSize": 100,
"hasMore": true
If I want to receive all the possible results of the query, not only which are present in "1st page".
What will be the way to receive that.
Please suggest.
No problem. Always glad to help!
You have 2 options:
Implement paging and get the next page when "hasMore" is true
If you don't want to implement paging, just increase the page size to a larger number. But this is still limited and you may need to ask for the next page if your results grow.
To implement paging perform the query this way:
First request:
'{typeName:"Timesheet", field: ..., .. , paging: { pageSize: 1000 }};
Subsequent requests:
while (resultPaging.hasMore)
//Send the same query again with a different page
'{typeName:"Timesheet", field: ..., .. , paging: resultPaging};
where resultPaging is the paging object you received in the previous result.
Hi Eyal,
Thank you very much!!