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Is anybody here?

I have been perusing this forum for over two years.  I have done quite a bit with the web service and would love to share ideas with others that have done the same. There does not seem to be much of a developer's following. I don't see a lot of support from Clarizen for DIY apps (mostly .net).  Are there any other communities for Clarizen developers?

Mark Alford Answered

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Hi Mark.

I believe you are in the right place.

If you'd like to share your insights and ideas, have a question or need assistance, you're more than welcome to post here or comment on others' posts.

This goes to all of you Clarizen developers out there.

You may also subscribe to the forum to get E-mail updates.

BTW, If you check recent posts here you'll find quite a few that are not .Net.

With the availability of REST API, developing for Clarizen is clearer and easier for all development platforms. 

Hope this helps,


Ophir Kenig 0 votes
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