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Show Variance when displaying Remaining Effort

When you are viewing Resource Load, you can go to the Manage settings and select the "Show Variance when displaying Remaining Effort" option for Remaining Effort. When selected, this shows a secondary value (variance) in parenthesis within the Resource Load. Here is is a definition and examples of this data:


•The value calculation of the variance is per day and the formula is WORK – REMAINING EFFORT

•Variance values are in units or percentages according to dropdown box selection

•The variance data is always read only in the grid

Variance examples

•Start Date and Due Date of task past Due, Duration 3d Work=24h , RE=2h

Work for today =0(task past due) ; 0-2=-2h

•Start Date past due and Due Date in future, Duration 3d Work=24h , RE=2h (in past 1 day, 1 day=today and 1 day in future)

variance: Work for today=8 , for tomorrow =8 , RE=2/2=1h per day today variance 8-1=7h; tomorrow 8-1=7

•Start Date and Due Date of task in future, Duration 3d Work=24h , RE=2h

Work per day=8h, RE=2h/3 days = 0.66 ; Variance per day =8-0.66 = 7.3

Boris Krutiy Answered

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