The third conflict example seems to have typos or I don't understand what "is dependent on" means. Aren't predecessors supposed to have Start Dates that are earlier than their successors? Otherwise, thanks for the explanation.
A Conflict indicates a contradiction between Start and Due dates of at least two project work items.
The following are several examples of a Conflict:
In case of conflict situations, the system does not automatically move planned Start or Due dates accordingly, but rather raises an indication of a conflict.
Affected Work Items
There are two types of Conflict indicators in the system:
The If a work item that causes conflict is on the critical path, Impacted work items are marked recursively.
important Note:
Alerts are generated for conflicts on the relevant impacting and impacted work items.
As described above, Conflicts are created as a result of contradiction of Start or Due dates between two entities.
To Resolve a Conflict:
When a conflict is resolved, the appropriate alert is marked as resolved.
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The third conflict example seems to have typos or I don't understand what "is dependent on" means. Aren't predecessors supposed to have Start Dates that are earlier than their successors? Otherwise, thanks for the explanation.
My project shows two types of conflicts:
- Impacted Schedule (Explained in the above file)
- Schedule (not mentioned above)
Is "Schedule" identical to "Impacting"?
Also how can I drill into the details to see exactly where the conflict is?
@Arnon - you can add a column called 'Conflicts' to the workplan - this column will indicate where the conflict is in your schedule. Here's a screenshot - http://www.screencast.com/t/SgbRGtTH0
Hi Vannesa,
Thanks for your reply.
I managed to get to the point of using the "Conflicts" field to find the problematic task.
But finding the problematic task is just the starting point of the investigation. The user needs to find the related tasks and figure out why there is a conflict. There is a lot of "archaeological" required on behalf of the user just to understand what wrong.
I am looking for a way to simplify / automate the investigation for the user.
Hi Vanessa - is there any answer to Arnon on making it easier to trace the causes of the issue...? While identifying the task is the first step, it could take a long time to establish the root cause.