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Project Schedule Policy

Project Schedule Policy

Project can be scheduled from its Start date or from its Due date. By default a blank project is set to be scheduled from the Start date. 

Schedule Project from the Start date

If project is set to be scheduled from the Start date, Clarizen schedules all work items added directly under the project to begin on the project Start date.  In the same manner, work items added under another work items will by default begin at the Start date of the parent item. The Due date of the work items will be calculated based on its Start date and Duration. The project finish date will be calculated based on the last task's Due date.

Schedule Project from the Due date

If project is set to be scheduled from the Due date, Clarizen schedules all work items added directly under the project to finish on the project Due date.  In the same manner, work items added under another work items will by default finish on the Due date of the parent item. The Start date of the work items will be calculated based on its Due date and Duration. The project Start date will be calculated based on the earliest task's Start date.

Set Time Constraint Type for Work Items

In the advanced properties of work items, Projects, Milestones or Tasks contain the field “Time Constraint Type.” This is where a user can view and modify scheduling policy:

  • “As Soon As Possible” (ASAP) – scheduling is done from the Start date
  • “As Late As Possible” (ALAP) – scheduling is done from the Due date

All work items by default inherit the Time Constraint Type of their project.

Container items (milestone or task hammock) always inherits the Time Constraints Type of their project. Users can change the Time Constraint only for the leaf tasks.

Clarizen Team Answered

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