Please update links, they give a 404
In general, project price is calculated using Billing Hourly Rates defined at the Organization and User levels (see Costs and Billing Rates).
In addition Clarizen allows a Financial user to define project specific billing rates and prices, used for calculations of the project prices based on the time tracking reports:
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Please update links, they give a 404
Links are still not updated. Clarizen team - please address this.
Escalated to our education department, thanks
Links not working
Will re-escalae
The links should now be functional. Thanks for your patience!
I cannot see "Modified resource job title in specific work item" on the page that's being linked to.
I don't see this either. I'm confused.
All you need to do is select a work item, go to Misc >> Prices and Rates, and then change the job title for a particular resource.
See screenshot: http://screencast.com/t/ZV1e0zakQl.
amazing post
Several links on this page are still broken. Please fix them.
The links are fixed. Thank you for bring this to our attention.
Some of these links are still broken
Thanks, we'll have a look.
All link still broken on
Links are broken please update
Links are still broken
I'm not sure how to manage specific COST RATE for the project. I think the answer is in the second bullet, but the link is not working.
Thank you,
Hello all past and future Clarizen users looking this up... I think I have found (despite not having the links) the answer.
We are a Solution Integrator and work in a number of arrangements with customers.
1. Direct - so we have our charge out rates
2. Through Partners - so we have a discount rate for each partner
For me - I have done the following...
Now for the Projects...
When I create the project and have created the draft tasks and allocated the resources I then go into one of the views for the Project (Scheduling View for me) but the key here is to open the Resource panel and expand it to full screen. I had then added the columns by clicking on the cog-wheel icon (top left) and then managing columns. I added "Billing Rate per Regular Hour". It should show you the rate for the resources you have set.
So now when I have a Partner Project - I set the Billing Rate here.
Hope this helps the next person who searches for this topic.
And please point out if I have made any mistakes... I have only just worked this out, so very likely to trip over soon.