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Project Periodic Report

I installed the Project Period Report. Now, how do I start using it?

Leilani Talens Answered

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Hi Arnon,

This is very helpful! I think I get the overall concept.

I just have one question – I created a template and uploaded the file. However, when I go the project and click the Custom Action ribbon, I do not see a Publish Workitem Document option. I am following the step on the website you provided below.

Can you help me?



Leilani Talens 0 votes
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Hi Leilani,

If you installed the Project Periodic Report then you should see two custom actions:

1) On the main Navigation Menu -->Custom Action --> Load Periodic Project Report Template
2) When in a project --> Custom Action --> PPR (Periodic Project Report)

#1 is used for the selection and initiation of the template
#2 is used to run the report

I did not use the Document Publisher apart from using it with the PPR, so I never built my own document from scratch.
I suggest you install and run the PPR and use it as a reference for learning and creating your own documents.
The PPR I use is very different from the original Clarizen PPR. I used the Clarizen template as a basis and customized it to my needs. In the process I also added my own custom fields and updated some of the original Clarizen PPR custom actions and custom fields to suit my needs.


Arnon Yaffe 0 votes
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