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Ability to move time entries to another task in another project

Currently when people log time incorrectly to a task, the only way is to delete the time entry and re-enter it to the correct task. We desperately need a way to do this in mass in the system as not only is it necessary when the time entry was done by mistake, but also sometime we want to reallocate the time across projects. It's really painful to have to do this manually. Please help!!

Yvonne Chan Answered

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You can do this using a Custom Action or Workflow Rule (depending on the trigger). You need to create a new time entry and populate the existing fields to the new entry (duration, reported by, work item, comments…). The second one is deleting the previous time entry.

Usually you do that as a CA on the work item level and Run On relation ReportedTimesheets

Boris Krutiy 0 votes
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Hi Yvonne - were you able to figure out how to do this custom action? We have the same need and was hoping perhaps you could share what worked for you?

Ann Kurtz 0 votes
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Hi Ann,

I didn't get it to work the way I wanted, which is to have it move specific items in a list. The only way they showed me on how to do it is from the timesheet view we can set up custom actions. However, everything in that task for that day moves and also you are restricted only to the timesheet view. So I still really very much want this to be an enhancement.

Yvonne Chan 0 votes
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Hi - Any update on the ability to move time entries to another task in another project?

Michelle Orellana 0 votes
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There is a way to move (re-create timesheets on another project) provided that the user (Reported By) in the current timesheet is assigned to a work item in target project. In my case all users are assigned to a presales2018 work item in the Presales Project. You can choose the target work item as an input parameter in the Customer Action (I did it using Custom Actions) also remember the user (Reported By) must be assigned to that work item you choose. 

in the CA 

1- (Action1) New Item -> Run on -> $ReportedBy.AssignedWorkItems

1.2- Filter Related Items(Optional)  -> TargetObject = 'T-xxxx'  (Sysid of the workitem or replace it by variable name in case input variables are used)

1.3- NewObject1 = New -> Timesheets 

1.4- Copy data fron current timesheet to new timesheet (and notice $WorkItem* = TargetObject) 

2- (Action 2 optional) Delete item -> Run On:CurrentObject

2.1 Object Type to Delete: Timesheet 

2.2 Object to Delete -> CurrentObject()



Tim Alkhatib 0 votes
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I forgot to mention that the CA is created on the Timesheet entity and you can access it from the project view or resource view where you can see related time entries. You might want to adjust the profile setting to enable these views. From there you can select 1 or more time entries and run the CA. Final note, it is better to run it from the project view since running it from the resource view although performs the required actions,  the popup keeps on top as if the task is still running. not sure how to solve it. I currenly refresh the page. 

Tim Alkhatib 0 votes
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