Seem like an interoperability issue, please open a case with us here - https://success.clarizen.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
I have been using the Excel plugin on Excel 2010 and it now seems to have stopped working. I've tried to remedy it with no success. The plugin installs fine (I have re-installed it several times).
There is no response when clicking 'Login' on the plugin. Nothing pop's up to allow me to log in or query the system.
Is there any advice to try remedy or troubleshoot the issue.
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Seem like an interoperability issue, please open a case with us here - https://success.clarizen.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
I haven't used the Add-in for a while but used to get a similar sounding problem if my Clarizen password had changed but I hadn't updated it in my Excel Add-in login.
I tried all sorts to remedy the problem. Including re-installing the add-on, re-pairing Excel and deleting any history in the registry and re-installing again. Eventually, it seemed to be something that broke within a file in my User Profile as other users were able to use it on the same machine. I deleted the User Profile on the PC and then re-installed the add-in. This resolved the issue but created a lot of headaches in the process.