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Create task with documents already linked

I need to create a task and then attach a number of new files to it.

I can do this in multiple step (1. Create Task, 2. Create Docuemnt, 3. Link).

Is there any way to do this with one call or even a batch execute or will I have to make multiple calls so I can get the task and document IDs for linking.?

Josh Boutwell Answered

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I am already using Bulk uploads. Right now my process is:

  1. Send Bulk API call to create the documents and tasks,
  2. receive bulk response and parse for ID's for documents and tasks
  3. Send bulk API call to create links between documents and tasks using IDs acquired from step 2.

Is there any way to integrate step #3 with step #1 without knowing the ids of the newly created objects?

Josh Boutwell 0 votes
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Sure, if you pass IDs from the client then you won't have to wait for the response in #2 to get them.
You just need to make the ID is unique (You can use a Guid or any other mechanism for that)

Eyal Post 0 votes
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