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T&E task viewing and updating

If I am the project manager of a project, and I assign a task within that project to a T&E license user, they are unable to view the task at all when clicking on the task module from the navigation bar (filters also appear to be locked). However, if I send a progress reminder through email, the T&E user can click on the task link in the email, then log in, and now they can view the task details page including the properties card and discussions. If a T&E user can view/update tasks under a project when clicking on the email link, why can't they go to Navigation | Tasks to view/update tasks assigned to them (even if not To Do tasks)? It seems strange that the T&E user must wait for the email reminder or save that email so they can click on the link later to view/update progress. Am I missing something, or is the system designed to behave like this?

Jonathan D. Ostella Answered

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Please open a ticket for this issue. If that is the case, it is a bug. A T&E user should NOT have the ability to view the Task itself. They are a Time and Expense user and are meant to only have access to the Task via Timesheet Module to add time.

Thank you

Boris Krutiy 0 votes
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