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Update successor task to active when current task set to completed and notify resource.

I need to set up a work flow rule that sets the state of a successor task to active when it's predecessor is set to complete. I have been able to get this to work but am having trouble accessing the resources of the successor through the data object model. Can this be done in a similar way to accessing resources of the current object?

Daniel Kelly Answered

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It is possible to do but will require creating a custom field at the task level that aggregates all of the resource names. The email function only lets you go one hop in the data model. A simpler solution would be to create a separate rule to notify resources when their task becomes active instead of trying to do it all from one rule.

Josh Santos 0 votes
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Would you be willing to share how you were able to set up the work flow rule to set the state of a successor task to active when it's predecessor is set to complete?

Devon Knight 0 votes
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