Thank you for contacting Clarizen and submitting this request. Your change request was logged. ID: CR-288366.
I would like to have rich-text support as a field type for both custom fields and to change built-in fields to that type (for example, description field on projects and requests).
We often use bullet points and bold / italics in the formatting of our requirements documents and translating those directly into Clarizen is difficult due to the lack of Rich Text support.
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Thank you for contacting Clarizen and submitting this request. Your change request was logged. ID: CR-288366.
Hi, I would also like to express my support for this feature. It would improve collaboration and overall design.
Hi Jonathan, you have been added to the list of requestors.
Would love this as well. If it was in description field at least.
People in my organisation a leaving the description field blank and putting the information in posts which makes it hard to integrate with jira or find the information in the discussion panel.
Hello Isaac, I have added you to the list of requesters for this specific feature request.
Update for everyone - Clarizen posted this to another topic in the "I need help" forum but I don't know if we were all followers over there or not: https://success.clarizen.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/205346457-Better-Rich-Text-support-please-?page=1#community_comment_115001082328
They are going to add an Overview rich-text field to work items in Q1 2017 and then extend it to other entities and add additional functionality over time!
This request has been released in the latest update. For more information, visit our Knowledgebase to review all new releases included...
Thank you for enabling rich-text support for custom fields. What is the status of the second half of this request though- about being able to change standard fields to rich-text?
It would be really nice to have rich-text support for standard fields such as Overall Summary and Potential Risks.
Thanks, and have a nice day!