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Add Clarizen ID to Discussion Post Follower Notification E-Mails

When Clarizen sends out an automated notification e-mail to followers about a state change it includes the CR ID# such as this e-mail: "The Request CR-3712 ‘Test Request Here ’ in the state ‘Submitted’ was assigned to Nathan Dawson."

When a notification e-mails goes out to followers due to a discussion post however it looks like this: "Nathan Dawson
► XYZ –SOME Campaign - Outreach (Auto Dialer)
Already being developed for 11/13 delivery. Rolled under CR-314 as well for overall recovery efforts."

We would really like for the Clarizen official ID to be sent in discussion post e-mails since we use that as an input to our own custom InterAct e-mail rules where end-users can e-mail in to request status updates on a particular item etc. Unfortunately since we don't have access to edit built-in InterAct rules for core clarizen functions I cannot go in and tweak the rule to add in the Clarizen ID somewhere.

Nathan Dawson Not planned

Official comment


Thank you for submitting this feature request, for future references here is the ID - CR-314560

Danielle Lasirona
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Just to clarify as well - in my sample text above, CR-314 is something that I typed into the discussion post, that is NOT the clarizen ID of the "discussed" request. Should have taken that out of my example to be less confusing!

Nathan Dawson 0 votes
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