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A Change Request was required for this functionality. The Request ID is CR-262265
I am stuck trying to figure this out. I do not think the Reports Module has this functionality and it may require custom field(s). Can you please help me create a column from the reports that indicates the age of a project? Alternatively, can I also calculate a date from another date? E.g. project due date – 3 months.
I have tried subtracting StartDate using Now() and Today() but I get errors that the DateTime functions I am trying to use cannot be used with '-' meaning the system is unable to calculate? That does not seem correct and I am likely doing something wrong. What is the best way to accomplish my goal?
A Change Request was required for this functionality. The Request ID is CR-262265
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I'm trying to do the same thing. Please attached me to this change request. Thank you.
Hi Leo,
You have been attached to this change request
Hi Boris,
Did you find anything to calculate the age of the project? Even I tried subtracting the Startdate with Today() function and I was get the same error which you got.