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Age of Work Items (like Projects)

I am stuck trying to figure this out. I do not think the Reports Module has this functionality and it may require custom field(s). Can you please help me create a column from the reports that indicates the age of a project? Alternatively, can I also calculate a date from another date? E.g. project due date – 3 months.

I have tried subtracting StartDate using Now() and Today() but I get errors that the DateTime functions I am trying to use cannot be used with '-' meaning the system is unable to calculate? That does not seem correct and I am likely doing something wrong. What is the best way to accomplish my goal?

Boris Krutiy Not planned

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A Change Request was required for this functionality. The Request ID is CR-262265

Boris Krutiy
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I'm trying to do the same thing. Please attached me to this change request. Thank you.

Leo Lovely 1 vote
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Hi Leo,

You have been attached to this change request

Danielle Lasirona 0 votes
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Hi Boris, 

Did you find anything to calculate the age of the project? Even I tried subtracting the Startdate with Today() function and I was get the same error which you got.

vandana dwivedi 0 votes
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