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Validation rule to restrict character count in field deletes all entry if failed

I have a custom text field in all projects, used as a project status update to Senior Management. We have already looked at using a validation rule to limit the entry to 300 characters. But have found when testing that if the entry fails the validation rule then it returns the user to an empty field, losing the text they have entered, which is undesirable.

Is there a way to retain the entered text so that the user can then amend their entry rather than have to start again?

Phil Smith Answered

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Instead of having the validation rule fail the entry, you can have a workflow that will truncate an entry to only accept the first 300 characters and alert or email the user entering the field to let them know that their entry has been truncated because of its length.

Josh Santos
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Thank you for your input, having chatted to Yossi yesterday in a WebEx I think we are going to look at setting up a custom action to use for setting the update field. That way we can validate the data while in the entry pop-up screen.

Phil Smith 0 votes
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I have the custom action and validation working really well.  However I have been asked this morning if it is possible to display a character count to aid users when completing the action.

Is this possible?

Phil Smith 0 votes
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A Twitter-style character count? That would be really slick but I can't think of a way to do that today.

Josh Santos 0 votes
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