Official comment

For resource hourly costs, you have to set this at the user level.
This is about Task WorkPlan, Utilities menu item Prices/Rates.
I would like to change the Billing Regular Cost for a resource on this panel as well. Is there a way to add this field to the panel? If not, where else could I change this information for a specific task and resource combination?
For resource hourly costs, you have to set this at the user level.
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I have a similar question as Michael. If a user has different hourly costs for different projects, is there a way to set their cost at the project (or task) level? Setting it up at the user level would update their hourly cost across all projects, which I don't want to do.
You can't do that with costs, but you can set project and task-level rates (billing rates to the customer).
Thanks Josh,
Is that something that can be added in the near future?
I think a lot of customers would have to request it since it is a very limited use case. There are not too many situations where the same resource costs different hourly amounts on a project to project basis. There are many situations on the billing side, but not on the cost side.
Please consider this my official request :). I frequently manage projects with freelance resources where I negotiate project-specific hourly rates (costs). I can work around the limits of Clarizen by treating freelancers as fixed cost expenses when they agree to work on a fixed fee, but for more ambiguous projects I prefer to take an hourly approach.
We've also run into this issue when freelancers raise their rates (costs) for new projects, but a use historical rates for active projects.
All set Megan (I also added Michael to the request). The request ID is: CR-78660