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Date range is incorrect on report bar graph

I want to create a report that makes a bar graph of the date versus hours worked for an employee (a timesheet). What I have now does exactly that, except the data it shows does not line up with the queried date range. For example, if I query "employee name" and "11/1/15 - 11/30/15", the dates displayed are from 10/31/15 - 11/28/15. If I employ a scatter graph instead of bar graph, the problem is resolved, however, a scatter graph is nearly useless for viewing a timesheet. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Alex Burkhart Answered

Official comment


Hi Alex, are you still having this issue? This sounds like a bug that was resolved in one of our recent patches.

Josh Santos
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Please put in a support ticket (upper right) and we can have a look into your account.

Josh Santos 0 votes
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This has not yet been resolved. I have Issue # 22126 logged, which according to Vanessa Au is scheduled to be implemented in the March update.

That update must be different from this past weekend's because I can confirm that today, this behavior persist in the report graphs.

Richard Mann 0 votes
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