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team panel disabled

Some of our users are unable to see the team panel in their task views. They could last year, but I believe a change has been made at the system level that has removed this option.I am at a loss as to what it might be.

All of the views in the Task module that have a team panel included no longer appear available to them. I have even shared a view with a specific user, but it still doesn't show up.

What setting do I need to look at to fix this?

Hazel Sutton Answered

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Thank you for reaching out to us via the Community forum. Please provide a bit more information about your environment and the user experiencing the issue. Here is what I need to know:

  • What are your permission settings at the Global System Settings level?
  • Are you using Enhanced Permissions to restrict access?
  • What is the license that the specific user has and what are their permissions? Are they specified with External User permission?

Thank you

Boris Krutiy 0 votes
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Hi Boris

I hope these are the answers you are after.

Global system permissions:

(I assume this is what you mean)

Enhanced permissions: probably, but I don't know how/where to check this. The other system admin has just left the organisation and I don't know what all the settings are.

Licence: do you mean User Type? If so, it is Team Member

Hazel Sutton 0 votes
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I am sorry for the slow response. Please open a ticket as this will require further investigation. We will need screen captures, name of the view that your users are trying view team panel on and temporary access to investigate. 

Thank you

Boris Krutiy 0 votes
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I am understanding it as if you do not own a Full license, you cannot see this Team Panel in timesheet, no matter the enhanced permissions. Correct?

Emily Triyonis 0 votes
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