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Parent Project Field Locked

The parent project field in the property card of all of the projects in my system is locked. It doesn't matter if the project already has a parent project or is a loose leaf project. What settings affect this?

Matthew Crow Answered

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Parent Project is a 'read only' field. Read only fields are ones that are set as updatable only by API or Business Rules. This setting cannot be changed for Parent Project.

When you create a project by adding a new project within the work plan of a (parent) project the Parent Project link will automatically be populated.

Phil Smith 1 vote
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I am having the same issue. I have an existing project that is now needing to be grouped under a parent project and I can not tie it to it because the field is locked. Is there really a reason why this field needs to be locked and read only. I am now trying to figure out a way to link the project as a sub-project to the parent project. As it is an existing project, I do not want to go in and re-create the whole thing (work plan and all) just so I can tie it to the parent project.

Jenna Caskey 0 votes
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You would use the "Move" command in the ribbon (in Misc or Utilities).

Josh Santos 0 votes
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I had the same issue and need to update the parent project for several, 130, projects. The move function took some time but worked like a charm.


Kimberly Coates 0 votes
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