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How to deal with my billing needs

Hello all,

I'm hoping to get some answers on a few issues.

Issue 1

I have a resource, let's call him Tom. Tom is a jack of all trades but his actual job title is lead engineer. However we are a small company and in the past I have billed him as an engineer at $1.00, a senior engineer at $1.25, a lead engineer at $1.50 and a graphic artist $1.05. Hey, what can I say? Tom has a beautiful soul.

Anyway I don't think I can assign Tom different titles, that won't work. Unless of course I'm wrong and it does. 

And I don't think assigning a billing rate at the project level as the project uses all 4 resource types and they all bill at different rates. Besides I have looked EVERYWHERE and can't find where I can assign a billing rate at the project level. The closest thing I've seen on projects is that I can change expected revenue which is currently a function of hours times rate, but I can not see a place where I can simply set the rate for the project.

So I'm assuming the best place to control this is to do it at the task level. This lets me set an appropriate rate based on the proper resource and although it's a tremendous pain in the butt I can go through each task to set this. However the tasks properties card is just like the project property card, I can override the expected revenue cell but I can not change the actual rate used to calculate expected revenue.

So are my suppositions correct and if so is there somewhere I'm missing that let's me change the actual rate on tasks and/or projects. Also will Tom's rate from his job title override the rate of the task?

Issue 2

If I want to give a customer a discount on a task or project is there a way to do that other than changing the rate specific to that task or project?

Bryan Answered

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Hi Bryan. In the work plan you can go to any work item (project, milestone, or task) and on the ribbon click on Misc >> Prices and Rates. That will let you change the rates for a resource for that work item. If you want to give a customer a discount, you can either manually override the Expected/Actual revenue fields or change the billing rates for that project. 

Josh Santos 0 votes
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