Official comment

For future reference the request ID is CR-319965.
When we set the column width in a report, Clarizen does not retain and there are always a few columns that are too big or small. Resizing columns on the fly, we should be able to resize all at the same time instead of selecting the column and moving it to the right or left. Plus the remaining columns are not adjusted correctly. It takes too long to resize all columns. Clarizen should auto adjust as well as retain column widths for future views but does not.
For future reference the request ID is CR-319965.
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I agree! Shifting column widths is one of the main frustrations and wasters of time in the report mode. Please create a way to make report column formatting "stick".
Hi Jim, you have been added to the list of requesters for this feature request.
Please add me to this request as well. It is unbelievably frustrating!!!!
Delyn, you have been added to the list of requesters for this feature request.
Please add me to this request as well.
Additionally, this dissuades us from using the email notification of reports due to its poor column formatting.
CR-313866 is an earlier request of the same.
Hi Jarred, these feature requests are similar and I will be sure our product team knows. Would you like me to add you to the list of requesters?
Yes please
You have been added to the list of requesters for this feature request Jarred.
Please add me to this lilst of requesters for this feature as well.
Hi Cortney, you have been added to the list of requesters for this feature request.
Danielle, what does it mean if we are added to the request? Has the issue been fixed? There are others on the following chain that don't understand why the problem hasn't been resolved or what is being done to address the problem:
Hello Deborah, it helps us keep track of how many customers would like this feature to be implemented into Clarizen.
Could you please check if I'm also on the list of requesters?
Hello Niek, I was able to add you to the list of requesters for this feature request.
Thanks for adding me
In the meantime the issue has been resolved with the release of July 3th.
Hi Danielle. Please add me to this request as well. Thanks and best regards.
I upvoted this post but would also like to be included in any other way possible.
Just to be clear, I would like to be able to set the width or the columns in reports instead of having to adjust them every time I run the report.
Hello James, I was able to add you to the list of requesters for this specific feature request.
Please add me to this enhancement list. We would like this feature as well!