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Truncated Emails coming into InterAct

We have InterAct enabled for our org's Clarizen instance and use the discussion board of a Request to communicate with our clients. We have come across the issue where a client response is getting truncated and we are not receiving the information. For example: 

Client sends a Request for us to add a new employee to their payroll system. 

We respond with: 

"Please provide:



That message goes to their inbox. They often reply by adding the info in-line to the received message. 

"Hey Resource, 

Please see below in red: "

The message is getting cut here, and we are not receiving the:

"X - info

Y - info

Z - info"

Where can I access this info. I could not find it anywhere in Clarizen. 

It is tough to train a client to not do that as it is a logical way to respond. Would love a troubleshoot. Much appreciated!

Derek Felderhoff Answered

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We would actually need to take a look at the way your Interact is set up. Please go ahead and open a support case with us.

Tom Do 0 votes
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