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(CR-319858)→Allow customer to remove"h" next to duration in reports

In a report or export allow Duration of "Work" hours to be exported/displayed in hours without the "h". Customers may have another reporting system (i.e. Excel) that they need to pass the exported data though that cannot read the numeric fields when the "h" is there.
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We needed this too, had to use a custom field just to remove this to allow download to Excel

Phil Smith 0 votes
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Phil I added you to the list of requesters for this feature request.

Danielle Lasirona 0 votes
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How this is not implented yet?. we have to do a post procesing script on excel to remove the "h"... the h is not very useful in the excel reports

fernando castro 1 vote
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We put a custom action action in place that converts the value to a decimal.  We only ever work in hours and never days or weeks etc. so this works well for making all our duration are a number so that we can sum it when exported to excel without need to do post processing.

Our custom field contains the code - $Duration/hours(1) 

Phil Smith 0 votes
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The Recommended syntax $duration/hours(1) is not allowed when adding a formula column to a report. An error message will appear when checking the syntax and state that the Hours(1) function can only be used on a Calculated field.


Coates, Kimberly 0 votes
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Adding my vote; because we cannot access any of those Hours, Days, etc functions in the report editor. Creating a Custom Field just to do a conversion for Duration into a Numeric is really "overkill" and instead the Report Module needs to be enhanced to let us create Custom Formula fields "on the fly".

But I guess I will also join the "custom field" crowd now that I see that others are doing this and they actually do give you a ridiculous amount of Custom Fields.

Wilfredo Maldonado 0 votes
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