Check out the license type explanations: http://usermanual.clarizen.com/license-types-explanation
Hopefully this helps.
It appears that if a user is marked as an external user, that you can't include them in social posts.
This seems strange because if we are working with external partners, then the social aspect of Clarizen would be really useful. Much more so than for users who are sitting in the same room as me.
Am I missing something here. Is there a way to include external users in discussions that I'm missing?
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Check out the license type explanations: http://usermanual.clarizen.com/license-types-explanation
Hopefully this helps.
Not really. This doesn't explain why external users can't be included in discussions even when they are full users, of if that can be changed.
External users are not part of the company. They can view the projects and see the overall progress of it, but are not involved in the internal discussions for security purposes.
It still doesn't make sense as they can manage projects and have tasks assigned to them. So why not be involved in discussions?
The main reason is as a security precaution to make sure external users do not accidentally access confidential conversations. This will likely change in the future with more granular permissions around discussions.