No way to currently do this. I'll open an internal CR on this.
FollowAvoid pretty print in JSON result?
Is there an option to disable pretty print of the JSON result from the API?
I'm already using GZIP compression, so I'm not trying to save bandwidth, just memory when reading the JSON. It would save about 33% memory and I wouldn't have to switch to a better json decoder just yet.
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OK, thanks. So now I'm looking at different ways to keep the JSON that Clarizen returns as small as possible.
I'm now trying to add a projectConstraint so that my resourceManagementQuery only returns projects with a work load > 0, but I'm getting the error «Can not convert value '0' to type 'Duration' (Field name: 'Work')»
This is the JSON for the request that currently fails:
If what' you're trying to do is save on memory then why not simply minify the JSON on your side?
Hi Audun,
Try 0d or 0h (not just '0') for the work value. You need to specify the unit for duration/effort constants.
Hope this helps,
Eyal: My main goal is to save memory, but reducing the amount of data sent helps. :-)
Ophir: Thanks! Works like a charm.
Would love to suggest a JSON Pretty Print tool for testing json data. It supports validation, formatting, print json in colors.