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Questions about Data loader

I have a few questions about Data Loader application. 

1. Can I ignore one or more columns in a xls-file that is uploaded without its (columns) complete removal?

For example: 

I want to load data from one and the same file: once downloaded - as a workitem (ignoring link fields),  second - as a link (ignoring workitem fields).

Or ignore the column with the original data on which the calculated needed to load fields?

2. Occasionally need to download the resources. Part of the resources to be downloaded already exists in the clarizen,  part - new. By default clarizen creates duplicate resources. Can I somehow realize the following scenario: a rows that contains a record of already existing resources - are ignored, the remaining rows - are loaded? This is similar to procedure for updating a data described in the knowledge base ("PK:" simbols) but only in the case of matching the data in the column marked with the symbol "PK:"  does not need to update (just need to ignore). I can download a pre-existing resources in Excel, then using Excel to allocate new resources, and already reduced table upload via data loader.  But may have an easier way to solve this problem by regular means (maybe some business rule)?

Thanks for the help

A Kolesnikov Answered

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The first question is not supported because you can easily make a copy of the original file, remove the rows you do not want and upload the file as desired. As for the second question, I believe the problem may be the item type you are basing your data load on. Are you using Work Item? Try others like RelatedWork entity field. This will allow you to base your upload on Resource, updating the 'Related Work' of the Resource. If the Resource does not exist, it will be created. 

Please provide a more detailed example of your needs, more specifically what data are you uploading and how. Attach your file data (if you can) but if we need to investigate, you may need to open a ticket for further investigation.

Boris Krutiy 0 votes
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