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More User Adoption

We are still in the early stages of pushing out Clarizen but I'm having difficulty getting project managers and their team members to use it. Many perceive using this as too administrative having to update tasks and enter durations and completions instead of looking at the big picture of how it can streamline their processes and how they can eventually throw away their Excel spreadsheets. Even though it has been mandated by top management they still are still moving slowly to transition.

I'd love to get feedback from others on what they are doing to increase user adoption.

Pam Dye Answered

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I will let others chime in here but highly recommend working closely with your Customer Success Manager on creating an adoption strategy for you specific use case.

Here are some quick tips:

1.) Start simple and eliminating unnecessary modules, features, and actions from the UI
2.) Ensure all users understand how their data rolls up to management and the executive team
3.) Make sure all users receive enough training and have a channel to ask questions related to not just Clarizen but your specific processes and use cases
4.) We have a great tool called the User Adoption Dashboard. This will let you easily see who your most and least active users are so you can prioritize who you spend the most time with:

Josh Santos 0 votes
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Thanks, Josh. We currently don't have the dashboard as part of our license but I did take the webinar on creating portal pages so that may help as well.


Pam Dye 0 votes
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