Official comment

For future reference the request ID is CR-197258.
I would like to request some form of meeting integration from my calendar to Clarizen.
The purpose of this is to accurately track meetings and to save time.
Currently I create all the meetings manually as tasks, and some as recurring tasks (weekly meetings). However, creating the meetings are time consuming and removing recurring meetings that didn't occur is also time consuming.
There are probably numerous ways of doing this, however I suggest the following (open to other suggestions).
1. Each user is assigned a unique Clarizen email address.
2. When setting up a meeting, I include the clarizen email address in the participants list
3. Clarizen received the invite, and adds the meeting Subject, Time, Duration, participants list to a meeting inbox against my account.
4. I go to my meeting inbox and assign the meeting to the relevant project.
5. I add my notes and updated participants list to the meeting
6. I update a meeting in my calendar and the update mail is processed by Clarizen, updating all relevant fields.
For future reference the request ID is CR-197258.
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Hi Danielle,
I just want to know if there is any update regarding this request?
Justin Bredenkamp logged a request for this and he was advised to check on the updates here but I see there is nothing this far.
Prudence Sebela - Dimension Data
Unfortunately no updates yet. There are five stages of our CR process, and this request has made it to stage two (Definition). The next stage would schedule this into a future release. As soon as that happens, we will change this CR to "planned" and post an ETA.
I second the request, in a BIG way. I send 30-50 meeting requests a day to customers and consultants, plus changes. Having this functionality in Clarizen would be a tremendous time-saver.
Hi Dawn, you have been added to the list of requesters for this feature request.
Hi Josh,
Just checking if there is any update on this request?
No ETA yet, still in stage 2
I would also like to be added to the 'requester' list as the functionality to have an Outlook meeting create/correlate to a Clarizen task, on behalf of my company's ~35 users. Has the stage changed since the last update from Josh this summer?
Still no updates but adding you to the list will help!
Would like this feature for us too - 150+ users and counting.
Hi Reshma, I have added you to the list of requesters for this feature request.
Please add us to this request.
It would also be good if resources were able to reject an meeting invite and then be removed from the task.